And she has an older sister.
So, apparently, older sister "A" decided that baby sister "C" needed her own specific color. "A's" color is {clearly} pink. Obviously. But "C" needed her own color - so "A" decided her color would be purple. Her color is purple. Cracks me up.
While working on these photos, I was wondering - what does purple mean? I know that red represents emotional intensity and supposedly makes you hungry. Yellow is joy and research suggests that a yellow room will cause arguments (contradictory isn't it?). Pink is everything girly - and this month we know it as the color for breast cancer awareness. Black is for mourning. Orange is for deceit and distrust (hilarious if you know my college football preferences).
So purple? They say it represents royalty, holiness, romance and happiness.
Miss "C" needed a news bulletin about happiness the day of our session. This is what "C" thinks of picture day...
Poor mommy... big sister was the same way at her newborn session. Despite our best efforts sometimes they are just cranky for picture day. It's ok - 'cause I'm more than happy to work with it. It's easy to be patient with a baby when you aren't the one losing sleep every night. That's my job. Baby calmer. Mommy calmer. Baby whisperer is what this mom whispered to me as I got Miss "C" to sleep 5 minutes before the session was over (then held the shutter button down).
I don't know about baby whisperer. But please don't be afraid to bring a baby that might be fussy. I can work with it. Especially if her color is purple.
And by the way - they grow out of it. Just look at big sister - clearly she is past being cranky for the camera.