Saturday, May 30, 2009

Like Mother, like son (behind the scenes)

I know, I KNOW I have totally neglected the blog lately!  Forgive me!  I'm about to flood it with new posts!

But first, I have to out my dear cousin.  Bless her and her sister's hearts ... they drove up here from Cape Girardeau!  That's quite a haul with little kids!  Then, as if that wasn't enough, they sat through a loooonng session.  Thanks girls for coming to see me!  Love our time together and love my time with the kiddos.

So, as I'm proofing their session I noticed this shot.  Had to laugh.  Check out my cousin just off "set" ... now look at her son's expression.  HA HA!  Gee... who does he take after?!  Ohhhh... please don't kill me "H!"

This post also answers a question I get often ... "where do you have all these colored walls?"  No walls - just a backdrop and a baseboard - and when you crop out the sides ... voila... looks like a wall.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Class of 2009

Congratulations to the Class of 2009!  I think everyone I know will be at a graduation this weekend or next weekend (or both).  Most of all - congratulations and God bless the Mothers of all the graduates.  Don't kid yourself - you got them here.  Happy Mother's Day while we're at it!

So, speaking of the Class of 2009, Miss "M" came to see me this week.  We went to a waterfall, a country road, a kind old man's property (been in his family for 80 years), The Nelson ( ) and the studio.  Lots of driving, but totally worth it to shoot in locations that were so different from each other.  Such a great girl and so level-headed you'd never believe she's just graduating from high school.  Love it!  Thanks "M" and "V" for a great session!  And "M," bless you for not even blinking when I drug you into the mud!

To the Class of 2010 (whoa ... that sounds scary) - if you want late summer or fall senior pics NOW is the time to book!