Monday, October 6, 2008

Three in the Studio

I had three darling kiddos visit me in the studio on Friday.  Baby "J" was so sweet and happy, but it didn't take much time with me before he was exhausted.  I was running out of space on my cards or I would have snapped a shot of him passed out in his car seat as we headed out to do outdoor shots of the big kids.  He did great considering he is three months old - the toughest age to photograph (in my opinion anyway).  "E" loved the camera and "W" was so cooperative, even though I knew he wasn't terribly interested in getting his picture taken.  What a fun bunch!  Thanks guys for putting up with the looonnng shoot that always happens with babies and for being brave enough to bring the big kids along.  And double thanks to "M" for scaring off any potential snakes in the field at the end!  Here's your peek - 

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