Friday, May 8, 2009

Class of 2009

Congratulations to the Class of 2009!  I think everyone I know will be at a graduation this weekend or next weekend (or both).  Most of all - congratulations and God bless the Mothers of all the graduates.  Don't kid yourself - you got them here.  Happy Mother's Day while we're at it!

So, speaking of the Class of 2009, Miss "M" came to see me this week.  We went to a waterfall, a country road, a kind old man's property (been in his family for 80 years), The Nelson ( ) and the studio.  Lots of driving, but totally worth it to shoot in locations that were so different from each other.  Such a great girl and so level-headed you'd never believe she's just graduating from high school.  Love it!  Thanks "M" and "V" for a great session!  And "M," bless you for not even blinking when I drug you into the mud!

To the Class of 2010 (whoa ... that sounds scary) - if you want late summer or fall senior pics NOW is the time to book!

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